Here we try to try to straighten out the opinion of those who have been on Brahman cows! That is actually called Brahman cattle is a white cow's head and humped rather large blackish, not brown or red as thought so far.

1. Brahman.

Cattle of this type comes from the Indian state, but many are developed in America, as for Brahman cattle into Indonesia is the cow of America. The weight of this type of bull for a maximum of 800 kg and females 550 kg.


This is the type of beef cattle of European descent that developed in France, this type of cattle markets dominate the cattle in Indonesia and is excellent for fattening cattle, in addition to their bulky shape, the price is very expensive because the body can achieve growth of 1.1 kg per the day.


Cows of this type also in developed countries France, silver coat color and is the type most in the country, beef is rarely encountered in traditional markets. Growing body similar to the type of limousine cows which can reach 1.3 kg per day.

4. Hereford.

Cows of this type is also a descendant of European cattle developed in the UK, cow body weight on average males can reach 900 kg while females can reach 725 kg.

5. Shorthorn.

The cow is the same type of Hereford cattle and also developed in Europe or rather in the UK, while the weight of males of the average cow is 1100 kg for the males while the females 850 kg.

6. Simmental.

This cow came from the valley of Switzerland Simme country, but many developed in Australia and New Zealand, the weight of the males of this type of cattle on average 1100 kg for the males while the females 800 kg. Cattle of this type we have encountered in many traditional markets in Indonesia.

7. Aberdeen ANGUS.

The cow was entered in Indonesia through New Zealand, but its very beginning this type of beef coming from Europe, from Scotland, the weight of this type of male cows average 900 kg for the males and females 700 kg.

8. Muzzle.

Cows of this type is the result of crossbreeding Brahman cows and Aberdeen Angus stud. The color is black, straight looks very dashing. Cattle of this type rarely encountered in Indonesia.

9. Santa Gertrudis.

This cow is the result of crosses between Brahman cattle stud and Shorthorn cows and developed the first time at the King Ranch, Texas United States in 1943, and into Indonesia from 1973, the weight of the bull of this type average of 900-kg male and 725 kg of the females.


This cow is a cross between Brahman cows and Shorthorn stud, cattle type was developed on the continent of Australia and we rarely encounter in Indonesia.
Actually there are many more types of beef cattle that exist in this world, ranging from weight, age and color in addition, of course, other types of beef in our own country Indonesia, such as Bali cattle and others.

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