Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctors) or Brown Bear is a mammal that has a large body weight reached 700 pounds. In addition to eating live fish and small mammals also eat the roots of plants, seeds, grains and mushrooms. This large omnivorous mostly found in North America but most populations are in Russia. Unlike other large animals are generally slow moving Grizzly Bears can run fast and smell the food with a distance of 18 miles. Humans must be careful if you go into its territory.


In the winter hibernating grizzly bears. Hibernation is a long sleep to do when faced with winter animals. This was done in order to conserve calories in the body in the winter as we know the food is hard to find in season. Grizzly bear hibernation places are caves. But although it is still hibernating when outside air is warmed up it will be out for a moment to look for food.


Although known as one of the animals who tend to avoid meeting with the man, but he never recorded as the animals attack humans. Grizzly Bear's attack if he was surprised or disturbed by the arrival of humans, but can also be due to hunger or protecting children. Grizzly bears have no predators and make it into the top of the food chain, have found a number of tigers and cougars that died after being attacked grizzly bears.

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