Dinosaurs first appeared about 225 million years ago during the Triassic period. The animal was kept alive until the Jurassic Period and developed into a giant in the Cretaceous period. About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, dinosaurs disappeared from earth.

At the beginning of Creation, dinosaurs are not vicious or dangerous. When God finished making the animals, God said "it was good". What colors? How different are the skeletons of dinosaurs we find killed by the Flood and the first dinosaurs created by God? Unfortunately, no one knows what Man or dinosaurs (or other animals) when God created them first.

Initially dinosaurs certainly harmless - designed to please the man and benefit the world, like all other animals. When first created, all dinosaurs ate only plants and fruits.

Dinosaurs in the world after the Flood

Following the flood, dinosaurs and all other animals are made to fear of humans (Genesis 9:2). Animals stay away from people. They are no longer trusting and obedient. God probably did this to protect humans and animals on earth after the flood. Humans and dinosaurs live in separate areas - such as humans and wild animals at this time.

Fossilized bones, teeth and stomach contents of many dinosaurs were killed during the Flood have been found. So far, it shows that plant-eating dinosaur that time and not dangerous - a few hundred years after the man fell into sin. They may not be much different from an elephant or a giraffe.

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