Bali cattle bones are somewhat smaller than other types of cattle, but has a thicker meat percentage. Even this type of beef demand continues to rise. But the sales restrictions by local governments to make cattle bali Bali increasingly difficult to obtain.Beef demand continues to rise makes a business of fattening and breeding cattle are very profitable. Moreover, if the cows are cultured is the kind of superior cattle like cattle bali.From the looks, bali cattle appear smaller than other types of cattle body posture, such as cow Peranakan Ongole (PO). But the Bali cattle have more meat ratio than beef PO.Bali cattle excellence is recognized by the Manager of PT Santosa Agrindo Dayan Antoni, one of the companies working in the beef business. He said, basically, Bali cattle is not inferior to the brahman cattle and beef limousine.According to him, bali cattle suitable for fattening cattle feedstock.Similar disclosed by bali cattle rancher, I Gede Tika Gunawan. He said that demand breeds originating from Bali is increasing every year. Weighing up to 500 kilograms (kg) per cow, the demand for Bali cattle increased by 50% just before Ramadan.As with other local cattle, beef sold in a fresh condition bali because usually after being slaughtered directly sold to the market. According to the Gede, it's different with imported beef that comes in a frozen state.That is why, Gede who has to his hereditary business is able to sell at least 700 head of cattle weighing 350 kg per cow per month.A total of 700 live cattle were usually sent to the island of Java and Borneo. Of that amount, each month she sent out 400 head of cattle to the island of Java, while the 300 head of cattle were sent to Borneo.From the sale of these cows, Gede said they might pocketed turnover of Rp 5.34 billion a month. "For one cow we sell at a price of Rp 21,800 per kilogram," he said.Actually, Gede able to sell more beef. However, the current Bali Regional Government may limit the number of deliveries outside the island. Restrictions on cattle shipments this reduces the potential profit for Gede. "The government of Bali set the number of cows that may be traded in one year about 64,573 tails," he explained.Due to these restrictions, bali cattle traders were difficult to raise cattle sales turnover between islands. Gede was hoping Bali Government to review the provisions of Bali cattle trade restrictions.Restrictions on the number of cows that should be sold by the local government of Bali also makes Syaiful, sellers and cattle ranchers from Banyuwangi, East Java, Bali cow difficulty in obtaining supplies. "The market for these cattle bali wide open, but the supply is very limited," he said.Syaiful claimed in a week must provide at least 50 head of beef cattle Bali to meet a variety of orders coming. He gave the cow the price to Rp 25,000 per kg bali live weight. As a result, he took off one cow weighing 500 kg bali in the price of USD 12.5 million.To meet the supply of Bali cattle, he must explore the island of Bali. The problem is, not all of the Balinese breed cows. Only the West Bali which is almost an average of maintaining cows. That was not sufficient in number order. Jalaran it, Syaiful be moved around to different areas in Bali to hunt cows.

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