Sun bear is one bear species among the smallest bear species that exist in the world. Body length 1.40 m, height 70 cm with a weight back ranges from 50-65 kg. Long nails used to climb trees and tall straight-trunked quickly and easily.

Black bears, with a little fur whitish or yellow-shaped "V" on his chest: The snout is more brightly colored than body color. Bears like to live in the primary forest, secondary forest, and often also on agricultural lands. Spread covering Sumatra and Borneo and the Malay Peninsula, Indochina, South China and Burma. In Bengkulu province are often found in areas prone to interference, which is in the South and North Bengkulu districts.

Although bears belong to the order of carnivores (meat eaters) but are omnivorous (eating everything), among other small animals, birds, chickens, fruits and leaves of certain particularly the tops of the palm.

Her favorite food is a hive of bees (honey and their children), because that animal is called the "honey bear". The way a bear devouring a honeycomb, is to put the nails of his paw into a honey hive that already exist, then licked the honey bees and their children from it. Foraging activities carried out at night.

Currently bears are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and poaching as a result, either for meat or medical interests. Many Chinese people believe that parts of the sun bears have special healing powers.

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