The history of cattle seems to be changed. During the cattle in Indonesia is touted as the descendants of imported cattle, ie cattle India (Bengal) and European cattle (Ongole). Apparently, according to research from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Sutopo Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia native cattle from Bali.Physically, the appearance of Bali cattle can be differentiated from cows of India and Europe. Indian cow has a humped back, while Europe was humped cattle. Bali cattle brown, with white rump, legs like in the white shirt, and black lines on the back. Usually the Bali beef consumed by many societies. The Indian and European cattle, mostly consumed when the feast day, or in a banquet at the hotel or restaurant.The discovery of the original cow Indonesia through Sutopo research for his doctoral dissertation at the Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan a few years ago is certainly very significant. Because, as long as this opinion, which is like a myth, Indonesia considers that the cow came from the cow outside, especially India. It was none other archaeological data because of the origin of Indonesian cattle is minimal. At best, "There's only archaeological evidence in the form of reliefs at Borobudur," said Sutopo. Proof of that was just described the role of cattle as cattle and auxiliary fields and farmers to till the fields.A Japanese scientist, Takao Namikawa, in the 1970s Indonesia has examined cows. After all, he has not found a history of Indonesian cattle. Twenty years later, another scientist who is also from Japan, Takazi Amano, just researching buffaloes. When it Sutopo help Amano in the field. Apparently the experience with Amano makes Sutopo, who in college until graduating from Faculty of Animal Husbandry Diponegoro University in 1989 also doubles as a broker (trader cow), eager to examine the history of cattle native to Indonesia. To that end, he uses genetic pathways with enzyme protein tagging methods and polymorphism (diversity) of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).A total of 234 head of cattle various types are used as samples. Finally, the main distinguishing component analysis, obtained by grouping together Bali cattle bull, which has a different genetic traits in beef cattle of India and Europe, following his descendants. After that, Sutopo again examined the origins of male or female parent of Bali cattle. With a sample of 700 head of cattle and microsatellite DNA method, the conclusion that the male parent Bali cattle are native to Indonesia, not India or European descent cow. Then, with a sample of 600 head of cattle and methods of mitochondrial DNA (specific gene from the female parent), showed that the female parent Bali cattle are also derived from the descendants of Bali cattle.Excess Bali cattle.

That means the origin of beef cattle native to Indonesia are descendants of Bali is still pure, without any genetic influence beef imports. Based on that, Sutopo supports the efforts to protect, to then replicate the purity of Bali cattle. So far, Indian and European cattle derivative most widely cultivated and used by farmers or ranchers Indonesia. Similarly, the meat is consumed by the public. In fact, according to Sutopo, Bali cattle have several advantages compared to cattle imports. Among the advantages in terms of meat quality, resistance to disease, and adaptability. In addition, the "Bali Cattle able to give birth during productive seven times, while the Indian and European cattle only five times," said Sutopo.

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