Rabbits are mammals of the family Leporidae, which can be found in many parts of the earth. Formerly, these animals are wild animals that live in Africa to the European mainland. In its development, in 1912, rabbits are classified in the order Lagomorpha. This Order is divided into two families, namely Ochtonidae (pica type of whistling clever) and Leporidae (including the type of rabbit and hare).

           Rabbits in Indonesia, especially Java, many commercially farmed rabbits by farmers in Lembang, where rabbits are excellent ornamental breeders. The remaining rabbits that did not include ornamental category, will they sell as rabbit meat, which Lembang is also a consumer of rabbit meat is quite large with rabbit satay forward as the main commodity. Besides in Lembang, rabbit satay can also be found in the area Sumedang.

an animal that is very familiar in our daily lives. Rabbits become one of the favorites for the family pet. Then, exactly where rabbits come from? Before it spread to all continents, this popular animals exist only in Africa and Europe.
The rabbits that roam in the woods or in the wild-called rabbit-free. Meanwhile, a rabbit that has been commonly kept pet rabbit called. The rabbits that we usually encounter a pet rabbit that has been bred and bred.
Local Rabbits
In Indonesia, there are two types of local rabbit, the Rabbit Java and Sumatra. However, a truly original race Sumatra Indonesia is a rabbit because rabbits Javanese origin of the Dutch who brought the rabbit to Java in 1835. According to estimates, there are types of Java rabbits living wild in the forests around West Java. Rabbits Java has a distinctive color, which is blackish brown bronze. Sumatran rabbit living in the forests of Sumatra. Different color fur rabbit coat color Java. Sumatran rabbit gray yellowish brown.

Java rabbits bred more than the Sumatran rabbit. In fact, in West Java there is a place known as rabbit farms, namely Lembang, Bandung. In Lembang, rabbit lovers can buy a rabbit to be maintained at home. Lembang also known for its culinary rabbit satay. On the roadside there are food stalls selling satay rabbits.

Tips Keeping Rabbits
Maintaining easy bother rabbits. If it is not appropriate in the treatment, the age of rabbits can be very short. In fact, age can be only one day if it is not appropriate to give food. When caring for the child a rabbit, you should not be drinking because his stomach has not been strong. If given the drinking water could soon die the next day. Preferably, the bunnies were given water to drink after the age of 3-4 months.
Besides, should not be fed carrots or vegetables that contain lots of water because bunnies have a strong stomach to digest it. In the early maintenance, should only be given a fresh water spinach vegetable. Occasionally, a rabbit may be left to roam in the yard so that more fit and healthy body.

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