Panda is a funny animal. Therefore, many people who preserve it through photographs, films or puppet. However, today these cute animal reportedly threatened of extinction. Why?
There are several things that make pandas become endangered. Among others is the low number of animals born pandas, both pandas in the wild or in a cage. Panda habitat is also threatened because of human intervention.
Well, one of which occurred in the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, China. Wolong Nature Reserve is one of the biggest panda habitats in China. In this region, the panda is protected. This place is also home to the panda breeding population that is increasing.

However, during the last 30 years, residents living around the area of ​​nature reserves further into the woods. They went into the forest to fetch firewood. Many trees are felled for timber. Well, according to the research team, this can affect panda habitat in the forest.

In addition to maintaining the nature reserve which became a refuge pandas, the Chinese government is also to borrow pandas to other nations. Borrowing pandas to the zoo the United States and Japan in 1970 is one of China's diplomacy with both countries. This borrowing as a sign of the first cultural exchange between China and the West. Moreover, borrowing is a form of peace between nations.

However, in 1984, panda is no longer used as a tool of diplomacy. Furthermore, China began to offer pandas to other countries for a limited borrowing. Well, the zoo in the United States who want to import the pandas have to pay the tariffs imposed by China. Some tariffs are used for conservation of wild pandas and their habitats.


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