Scientists have recently confirmed the existence of two new species of cat which they call the Clouded leopard Sunda (Sundanese clouded leopards).

The researchers had been confused about this cat type. Initially, they equate it with the big cat Clouded leopards living in Asia. But apparently different kind. The trail is known after the cats were photographed from a forest and published in the last year.

Through genetic analysis of the two cats is unknown if one lived on the island of Sumatra and the other in Kalimantan.Clouded leopards in the family, including big cats such as lions, tigers, until the jaguar, but the most elusive. Life in Southeast Asia, including China and India, this leopard has spots of the body larger than leopards normally.

Until 2006, all leopards are believed to originate from a single species. But now, scientists who study the genetic view of species has two types of leopard. Both species are believed to have diverged from the leopard species originally from a million years ago. In addition to the Sumatran clouded leopards trail is known to also exist in the Forest Preserve Dermakot in Malaysia.

The invention will trace the animal scientist published in 2010. Picture of clouded leopard (Sunda Clouded leopards) who was walking in the forest successfully retrieved by Andreas Wilting of Animal and Wildlife Institute in Berlin, Germany. Wilting so far have got an example of limb as much as 15 leopards living in Borneo, and 16 tail who lives in Sumatra.

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